Diáky – 29. Dny evropského filmu


Cinema Světozor, Praha, 10. 4. 16:00

Do you fancy an adventure in the Arctic Ocean, far beyond the Arctic Circle? Come after the film to hear how two young adventurers with a rifle and a borrowed dog, Rudek, fared in Spitsbergen as they attempted to reach the abandoned Russian town of Pyramiden by land. Did they manage to climb glaciers, ford rivers and avoid polar bears? The answer is “NO”.

And how do they look back on this feat now that they are old and wise? Ondřej, Matěj and remotely supporting Spitsbergen dog Rudek are looking forward to looking back at the great adventure and their younger selves.

A Cabin

Directed by Jean-Louis Schuller, Luxembourg, 2021, 76 minutes, English with Czech subtitles

Newly divorced Luc arrives in Svalbard, where he hopes to escape a globalised society and find inner peace.

Ondřej Šperka
Expedition Club guide and co-founder of the Wandering project (www. putovani-seberozvoj.cz), where people go on a journey not only for the experience, but also out of a desire to learn something about themselves.

Matěj Štrunc
Czech actor, poet and musician who plays the dulcimer, guitar, piano, bass guitar and drums. He is the co-founder and frontman of the folk-rock band Ateliér. Outside of art, he is a travel and tour guide for the Expedition Club.


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